Scent Sachet
Each scent bead sachet is created using 100% ceramic and lava rock beads. Given the composition of these beads they hold a significant amount of scented oil need to permeate a reasonably small, enclosed space. For greater scent throw, completely remove the sachet from the outer plastic packaging. For a more subtle scent release, simply cut a small splice through the outer plastic packaging. Warmer areas/direct sunlight will induce a greater scent throw.
Choke Hazard. This product is not for ingestion, there are obvious precautions for safe use and this should be kept out of reach of children and pets
Direct contact between the sachet and car leather or design interiors is not recommended. Maintaining the base of the plastic exterior packaging between the sachet and leather or interior design details is encouraged
Sachet tie pulls allow for tying the sachet in place in specific locations
Scent sachets can provide satisfying scent throws for 2-6 weeks depending on the temperature of the space, direct sunlight, number of sachets used in one location and use of plastic outer packaging as described above